Slamet volcano, Central Java 2013-2016

Slamet, Java’s second highest volcano at 3428 m and one of its most active. It is located on central-java, near the city of Purwokerto and Tegal.  The volcano has a cluster of about three dozen cinder cones on its lower SE-NE flanks and a single cinder cone on the western flank. Slamet is composed of two overlapping edifices, an older basaltic-andesite to andesitic volcano on the west and a younger basaltic to basaltic-andesite one on the east.

Read more in depth information about Slamet volcano at: The Smithsonian’s Global Volcanism Program


Slamet and other volcanoes of Central-Java seen from Merapi.

18th January 2016

Pangandaran Java Indonesia Slamet Volcano Aerial DJI Phantom 2017
The town of Pangandaran, West java, with Slamet Volcano seen far in background, on a unusually clear afternoon.

6th December 2016

Slamet volcano, Central Java, Indonesia, December 2016
Slamet as seen from the outskirts of the Town of Tegal. Gas plume clearly visible above the crater (6th december 2016)
Slamet volcano, Central Java, Indonesia, December 2016
(6th december 2016)

22th July 2016

Slamet Volcano Tegal Indonesia 2016
Slamet seen from the northwest, city of Tegal.

29th November 2015

Slamet Volcano November 2015
Slamet seen from the city of Purwokerto.
Slamet Volcano November 2015
A thunderstorm is rolling in over the area.
Slamet Volcano November 2015
Slamet seen from the train window, enroute Jakarta.

Slamet Volcano November 2015 Slamet Volcano November 2015

4th july 2015

Slamet Volcano Java Indonesia Aerial 2015

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
First lights on Slamet in the morning.
Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
Less gas emissions on Slamet compared to a few months ago.

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
Ricefields in the south of the mountain.

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
Scenic building used for storage of rice.
Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
Up close of the crater area.

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia
Flying over the area with a UAV

Slamet volcano july 2015 indonesia

17 june 2015

Recieved this good aerial photo from my friend Eirik Aadland who works as a pilot here in Indonesia. The photo shows the Mount Slamet from the west.

Slamet Volcano Aerial Java Indonesia
Slamet Volcano, aerial view from the cocpit, captured by Eirik Aadland.

20 September 2014

Photos: 2 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 5472 x 3648 pixels. 50+ photos not presented on the webpage.

Slamet have been very active the last few weeks, with strong strombolian activity troughout August and the first weeks of September. Unfortunatly during my visit, only weak degassing was seen from the crater area.

Slamet Volcano seen from the west. (Aerial view from quadcopter)
Slamet Volcano seen from the west. (Aerial view from quadcopter)


14 April 2014

Photos: 4 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 5472 x 3648 pixels. 20+ photos not presented on the webpage.

On the 14th April I was driving from Pangandaran (southwest-Java) to Purwokerto (central-java) in the morning. The weather was pretty clear, and as I approached Purwokerto from the South, I had some good views of Mount Slamet. During a 2 hour window I saw Slamet erupt around 5 times. As like in March, the intensity of the eruptions were small.

Photos taken from the Banyumas regency.

Slamet seen from the south
Slamet seen from the south
Small eruption
Small eruption

Slamet-volcano-indonesia-April-2014(IMG_4759) Slamet-volcano-indonesia-April-2014(IMG_4794)

21-23th March 2014

Photos: 21 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 5472 x 3648 pixels. 100+ photos not presented on the webpage.

Visited the regency of Baturaden in Central-Java from the 21th to 23th March to observe the newly reported activity at Slamet. The photo location was located +/- 8km from the peak of Mt. Slamet.

The weather situation was relatively poor, as clouds obscured the view of the mountain most of the day. Luckily the weather provided some windows of clear views. The eruptions observed were fairly small (strombolian activity) and the interval between the eruptions ranged from 30min to 3 hours, during the periods I had clear views and were able to observe. No booming noises could be heard during the eruptions or incandescent material observed.

met and it`s peak obscured by clouds in the morning of the 22th March - 05:53 Local time.
met and it`s peak obscured by clouds in the morning of the 22th March – 05:53 Local time.
Slamet seen from a farmers field. (06:15 local time)
Slamet seen from a farmers field. (06:15 local time)
The peak of Slamet as seen from Baturaden. (09:03)
The peak of Slamet as seen from Baturaden. (09:03)
First eruption cloud I witnessed. (09:15)
First eruption cloud I witnessed. (09:15)
Second eruption plume, as the peak of Slamet had some cloud cover. (09:48)
Second eruption plume, as the peak of Slamet had some cloud cover. (09:48)

Slamet-volcano-indonesia-March-2014(IMG_8078) Slamet-volcano-indonesia-March-2014(IMG_8083)

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) ?
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma) ?
Small eruption cloud at night.(23:42)
Small eruption cloud at night.(23:42)
23th March - 17:10.
23th March – 17:10.

29 December 2013

Photos: 1 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 5472 x 3648 pixels. 5+ photos not presented on the webpage.

Slamet seen in the background. Photo from onboard a train from Yogyakarta to Jakarta
