10-11 October 2014.
Photos: 15 available in format/size: Some photos taken with a Canon EOS-6D, Lumia-1020 and Ipod 5. 100+ photos not presented on the webpage.
Activity levels at Semeru have picked up pace the last months, as was observed visually and also seen trough continious hotspot activity by the MODIS thermal monitoring system. Activity level looked similar to my visit on in August and September. On this visit I made it to the summit, and observed the growing lava dome, moderate degassing and frequent mild strombolian eruptions that sent material up to heights of 50-100meter above the crater. Rumbling sounds was heard constantly, presumably from the pressure released during the degassing and strombolian events.
Unfortunatly I did not have the opportunity to document my nighttime-observations from the summit, as my porter carrying my camera gear wasnt able to reach the summit, so the only camera I had available on the summit was on a phone. 🙁