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Sentani is a town located next to the the Provincial capital of Papua, Jayapura. The airport of Jayapura is also located in Sentani. Sentani has a scenic lake, home to the Sentani people – where I did some fieldwork during my stay in Jayapura.
Elder woman bringing in her canoe for the evening.Sunset over Lake Sentani. Lake Sentani is part of the Cyclops Strict Nature Reserve and contains several species of fish that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.Traditional Sentani houses by the lake.Sunset over the hills beside Lake Sentani.Artial photo of a small village by the lake.On the hills to the north of the Lake.
EagleOut setting up traps with my friend Millis.Millis made trap, skills he learned during childhood in the Kimyal area of the Central highlands.Aerial of the airport of Sentani JayapuraSentani airport seen before landing.Fokker-27 with 50/50 cargo and passenger configuration. (PK-YRA)Boarding, before departure from Jayapura to Wamena. The airplane was fitted with 50% chairs and 50% in the front was for cargo, including oil and gasoline. I dont know if I had the courage to board such a plane today.Manunggal air Transall C-160NG (registration PK-VTQ) standing on the apron at Sentani Airport in 2007. Its first flight was in 1985. It was destroyed beyond repair in a crash at Wamena (wmx) airport Thursday 6 March 2008.The head of Babrongko village.Sentani art on a canoe front.
Kids in BabrongkoCyclops mountain in the background.Forested area near Babrongko village.Young huntsman with his catch of the day.Working on a brand new dugout canoeBabrongkoKids playing in the central part of the village.BabrongkoBabrongko. Old axe-stones. Often used as dowry in weddings and other important cultural rites, until this day.BabrongkoWorking on Sago palms.Sago starch is extracted. Traditionally the Sentani have relied on the Sago starch for food.
School class in the village of Sekori, a few kilometers from Lake Sentani. The people here are called Kemtuk, and speak a different language than the Sentani people.School in Sekori village.The canoe is finished, and is brought to the Lake trough the forest.Hunters in the forest. The favorite pray was wild-boar, but sometimes also birds. They also put up traps in additon to using the bow-arrow.Barkis Suratmadja (middle) gave introduction on Sentani kinship in Babrongko. He was a great lecturer at the Cenderawasih University. Highly respected for his knowledge of Papuan kinship systems and general culture. He was strict, had his original sense of humor and were always precicely on-time.
Cyclops standing tall behind the lake.Sentani artSentani art
Cyclops aerial view.Woman doing some fishing.
Wedding by the lake,a Sentani couple.Wedding participants