Jayapura, Papua (Incl. suburbs of Abepura, Waena, Engros)
Published: 2015
Updated: 06/04/2018: Added new high-res photos.
Jayapura is the capital of West Papua, Indonesia. It is situated in Yos Sudarso Bay (formerly:Humboldt Bay). Its approximate population in 2002 was 200,000 and its the largest city in the Indonesian part of New Guinea. Jayapura has several sub-urbs, like Abepura and Waena. The topography of Jayapura varies from valleys to hills, plateaux, and mountains up to 700 meters above sea level The city`s airport is located west of the city, in the town of Sentani.
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Jayapura city centre lies in the Humboldt bay (now called Yos Sudarso Bay)Hills by the sea in the outskirts of Enggros in Jayapura.Betel-ut shop (areca nut) known as “Pinang” in Papua. For chewing, make you kind of dizzy, and you produce spit with red color. First time I arrived in Jayapura I thought that there had been street-fights, since the street was full of this red stuff that looked like blood. But it was just Pinang!Pasir empat beachBy the beach at Pasir duaHigh waves and brave kids at Pasir dua beach.Family living by the shore at Pasir dua beach.
Young “do it yourself surfers”, surfing wooden planks.Planksurfing!
We just called her `Oma`. She was from Manado but had emigrated to Jayapura.
New years eve 2003 in the suburb of Abepura. These kids celebrated the new year with canons on the hill above Abepura. Putting some kind of material in the pipe, that produced gas, to be lit on fire. No projectile ofcourse, but the sound was enough. These canon installation was very popular back then, and was found on many of the hills around Jayapura. Just used during new years, and mostly operated by kids/youth.Not so friendly visitor found under my mattrass.Sunset over pasir dua beach.Base G beach in Jayapura.Cultural festival in the suburb of Waena. Dancers from Asmat, if I remember correctly.
Japanese ship of the shore of Engros in Jayapura. Its a remnant from WW2. Its slowly dissapearing, as locals collect it for scrap-metals.On a traditional Makassarese fishing vessel.Boat cabin. Fisihing is done during the evening/night. A bright lamp is turned on, and a net is lowered few metres under the surface of the water. Fish get attracted to the light. After a while the net is raised, and the catch can be big.One catch. The net collects everything from the smallest fish to the big ones. Everything is sorted and brought home.Different kind of catch. A forest-rat caught in a trap. Caught in the forest beside the suburb of Entrop.
Deforested on the edge of the city of Jayapura.Santa in PapuaFlooding in Abepura.Croc farm in Jayapura. Looked relatively cramped in there even for a croc.Kids in the outskirts of AbepuraResidental area in downdown Jayapura.Residental area on the seaside of downtown Jayapura.Mother and childDok dua residental area.Jayapura city centre during nightWedding in Abepura.My favorite beach in Jayapura.Pasir empat beachMy friend Millis dressed in his traditional Kimyal tribal wear.Jayapura centre during night.
pasir 6Wedding, Abepura.Fire in the market in the suburb of Abepura.Abepura seen from a hilltop.Downtown Abepura.Downtown Jayapura, with the tallest building at that time, Bank Papua.Another new year canon celebration.Jayapura Sentani airportWedding in Abepura.Car accident above the suburb of Tanah hitam.Fire near “Lingkaran Abe”, in central Abepura.Downtown JayapuraAir Traffic control at Jayapura Sentani Airport.WeddingFriends.Approacing Jayapura Sentani airport in a Lion Air Boieng 737-900erLake Sentani. See more photos from Sentani hereOn approach to Jayapura Sentani airport. Here looking north-west, toward TAnah merah bay. See photos from Tanah Merah on this pageOn approach to Jayapura airport, looking towards Jayapura. In the far back you can see Jayapura city, in the middle Abepura and the residental area in front Waena.Pelni passenger ship docking in Jayapura.Island of Kayu pulau in Humboldt BayPopular viewpoint above Jayapura city.Jayapura city centre early eveningCity centre were much more bustling in 2012, compared to my first visit in 2001.Governor`s officeBase G beachKayu Pulau islandSuburb of Abepura, with Yotefa bay in the middle, and Hubholdt bay and Jayapura in the background