Published: 26th October 2020
Activity of the Volcano:
Observed Merapi from a distance of 5km to the South of the volcano as usual. Steady gas emissions were observed from the crater area. Indonesian Authorities reported the plume to reach 150m above the summit this morning 22nd October. The morphology of the lava dome (the part visible from below the summit) didnt show any significant changes since my last visit in August. See comparison image below.
Seismicity at Merapi have been on the rise the last couple of weeks, as can be seen on the seismogram below.
A 3km restriction zone is currently in place for Merapi volcano, according to Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency. The volcano is as of today 25th October 2020 on alert level II.
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