Published: 08th March 2021
Activity of the Volcano:
Observed Merapi from a distance of 6.5 to 9 km to the South/Southwest of the volcano, for several hours on the 5-6th March. Weather conditions: Scattered clouds but long periods of clear weather conditions.
The frequency of rockfall events from the 2021 lava dome seemed to be higher than what I observed during my visits in January and February. Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency recorded 210 rockfall events and 2 pyroclastic flows on the 5th March. Pyroclastic flows descended around 1300m below the summit on the 5th March. Rockfall originated from many sites on the lava dome, as may be expected of a growing dome. The lava dome also looks to have increased in size since my last visit, and was as of 5th March around 711.000 m3 with a daily growth of around 13.900 m3, according to BPPTKG. Rockfall from the lava dome was incandescent at night. Sounds of the falling rocks (rockfall) could sometimes be heard from a distance of 6.5km. Incandescence was also in short periods briefly visible from the summit area above/behind the lava dome (see photo 12 and 29).
A 5 km restriction zone is currently in place for Merapi volcano, according to Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency. The volcano is as of today 8th March still on alert level III.
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5-6 March 2021