14-15th April 2018
Published: 18th April 2018
Type of activity observed:
According to my knowledge there haven’t been any confirmed eruptive activity since last February 2017 (I covered the 2017 eruption in this article.) neither from PVMBG/MAGMA or locals that I have talked to who regularly visits the volcano. I visually compared photos of the summit area from 2017 with new ones acquired during this trip, and I did not see any physical evidence of any new activity since 2017.
During this visit it seemed that the visual activity level were approximately on the same levels as last year. The 3 crater-vents that have been the source of recent eruptions are still exposed (see photo 8.). Among them the Southern vent (see photo 18.) emit the most gas, and the central-vent (see photo 11) seem to emit less gas now than last year. Apart from that, other active fumarolic fields are also present on the summit.
Earthquake 15th April
In the early hours of 15th April 01:02 local time, we were literally thrown out of sleep by a 5.0magnitude, 10km depth earthquake that had epicenter just a few km South of Krakatau. No obvious visual changes was seen at Anak.Krakatau after the earthquake, the following day. A couple of guys in my group told me that they heard a rumbling noise a few moments after the earthquake, however that may have been a passing thunderstorm?.

Recent Eruption history
Eruption events | Origin of Eruption | Eruption Characteristics | Links to documentation |
2017 February | Central crater | Strombolian, lava flow SW flank | view article |
2013 October | Central crater (or vent on S flank ) | Strombolian | view article |
2013 March | Northern crater (& vent on S flank) | Strombolian, Vulcanian | view article |
2012 September | Central crater | Strombolian, lava flow SW and E flanks | view article |
2012 April | Central crater | Strombolian | view article |
2011 November | Central crater | Strombolian | view article |
2011 June | Central crater | Strombolian, vulcanian | view article |
2011 January | Central crater | Strombolian | view article |
2010* | Central crater | Strombolian, Vulcanian | Tom Pfeiffer`s photos from November 2010 here |
2009* | Central crater | Strombolian, Vulcanian | Tom Pfeiffer`s photos from July 2009: here |
2008* | Southern crater (old) | Strombolian, lava flow SW flank | Photovolcanica from May 2008: here |
2007* | Southern crater (old) | Strombolian, ash venting etc | Tom Pfeiffer`s photos from November 2007: here |
* Eruption cycle lasted for month\s |
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