Published: 3rd April 2022
Activity of the Volcano:
Observed the crater lake of Kelud from a distance of 300m from the crater lake. Weather conditions: Clear. Most photos was taken by drone.
The crater lake of Kelud have in recent weeks changed color from yellow to a turquoise color. Some yellow color was still present on the edges of the lake. During my last visit in 2019 the crater lake was yellow. Indonesian authorities (PVMBG) in a tweet on 30th March 2022 confirmed the recent color change. (see photo 1. for comparison)
During my visit on the 2nd April hydrothermal activity beneath the surface of the crater lake was observed from drone. The activity seem to be confined to the Northern part of the crater lake (see photo 4). A white discharge seem to originate from underneath the surface here, and bubbles was also observed rising to the surface within this area (see photo 12). Another other smaller confined area under the Northern part of the crater lake had darker green-brownlsh color and above it on the surface was floating was some brown material. (see photo 9) On the NW shore of the lake a small pool (maybe 1x1m) of boiling water and steam was also observed (see photo 20). The pool had the looks like a small explosion crater. Steam was also seen rising at times from shore of the NE and NW side of the lake. (see photo 15, 16, 17). A Sulphur smell was also noticeable at times from a distance of 300m from the crater lake.
Water from a crater lake drainage located to the West of the crater lake was seen steaming. (see photo 26, 27)
Kelud is as of today 03th April 2022 on alert level I (normal), according to Indonesian Authorities (Magma Indonesia). Visitors are requested not to approach the crater lake.
Important Note:
This is my personal notes, and should not be considered as Official information regarding the volcano or its activity. For updated information and official statements on the volcanic activity of Kelud Volcano, visit the Indonesian authorities website MAGMA Indonesia. and Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation`(PVMBG) and BMKG – Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics. On Twitter (@id_magma , @vulkanologi_mbg and @infoBMKG)
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Total videos: 1
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2nd April 2022