The Dieng Plateu, is a marshy plateau that forms the floor of a caldera complex on the Dieng active volcano complex near Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia. Referred to as “Dieng” by Indonesians, it sits at 2,000m above sea level far from major population centres. The name “Dieng” comes from Di Hyang which means “House of the Gods”
More photos of Dieng Plataeu and its volcanic features can be viewed under the Dieng Plataeu page in the Volcano-photography section of the menu.
3-4th October 2015
Photos: 8 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 20MP.

July 2012
Photos: 4 available in format/size: RAW/JPG – 5182 x 3456 pixels
Travelled to the Dieng Plateau on a daytrip during a stay in Yogyakarta on the 1th July, the weather was very clear and we had some marvelous views of the scenery.

December 2011