Bromo Volcano Eruption – February 2016 (2)

19-21th February

Updated: 22th February – 06:00 local time




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19th February

Activity of the Volcano

Update: 23:30. The intermittent activity between eruptive phases and phases of degassing continues. Explosive sounds can be heard during the initial part of the eruptive phases, followed by ash-venting that continues for a while (30min-1 hour observed).  The period between the phases seem to be larger than was the case during my visit 2 weeks ago.


Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Degassing (13:52)
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Eruption occurs (16:33)
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
aerial Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Ash-venting continues for about 1 hour after the initial start of the explosive eruption (16:43)
aerial Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
aerialBromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Photo taken with a hobby UAV. (16:46)
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Long exposure in evening (18:47)
Bromo Volcano Eruption 2016 February 2016 Indonesia
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016

20th February

Activity of the Volcano

Update: 17:00

No explosive activity observed so far today. Only modest degassing, and some weak ash-venting.


Note: Today was the celebration of the Hindu day of Kuningan. The hindu community were given permission to hold the event in the temple at the foot of Bromo, including to conduct offering to the rim of Bromo (despite the risks involved). It seemed that other people were also allowed in the restricted area, so I decided to visit the temple area as well during the day, but did not venture to the rim.

See special article on the the Hindu celebration in front of Bromo here

Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016
Camara Lawang-Kuningan Hindu Festival 2016 Bromo Indonesia
Galungan is a Hindu holiday celebrating the victory of dharma over adharma. It marks the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan. See photos from the ritual here (20th February – 12:10 local time)
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016 Aerial
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016 Aerial
(12:42) Plume contains traces of suphur gas, coloring it yellow.
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016 Aerial
Hindu community conducting offering at the rim of the volcano (12:42)
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016 Aerial
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016 Aerial
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016
Bromo Tengger Indonesia Eruption February 2016

21th February

Weather prevented any observation and photography today. Thick fog covered the area until my departure in the afternoon.

Activity of the Volcano

According to Indonesian Volcanology Survey  (PVMBG), Bromo had a decrease in seismic activity today, and the degassing plume only reached 200m above the crater. The volcanic tremor was recorded to be around 1-5mm, dominantly 2mm. Down from 4mm dominantly on the 20th February.



After my last visit to the area (7-10th February), the eruption phase Bromo have showed signs of decrease. Crater glow and intense rumbling sounds from Bromo was absent during this visit. Only one explosive event was observed, followed by some ash-venting. The degassing plume was however present, at different pressures and heights (200-800m above the crater). Sulphur gas were observed, and noted in the nearby villages on the 20-21th February. The Indonesian Volcanology Survey  (PVMBG) have also noted a decrease in the seismic signals from Bromo. Local people also communicated this theory. These observations may indicate that the ongoing eruption phase of Bromo is in its final stage.