First visit to the area since March 2019. Bromo was at that time in a short eruption phase that lasted less than 2 weeks. In addition to the eruptive activity in March, it also produced a eruption on the 19th July 2019, however it only lasted for less than 24hrs. During my visit this time, no eruptive activity was oberved, only very infrequent degassing plumes that rose maximum 100m above the crater rim. I were able to fly a drone over the crater on a few occasions, and were able to see that the crater floor contain a body of steaming water. There were also a ongoing forest fire, near Semeru volcano, that is visible in some of the photos presented below, and should not be confused with any volcanic activity.
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Bromo with the hindu temple in the foreground.A dry riverbed that sometimes flush out Lahar.Aerial from above the Batok cone and Bromo in the background.Steaming crater of Bromo, partly filled with water these days.
Two dust devils in front of Batok.Up close with a dust devil.Batok
Aerial with a view towards the West from the Tengger Caldera, The volcanoes of Kawi (left) Arjuna-Welirang (right) visible in the background.The Tengger Caldera, Bromo and Semeru volcano at sunset. A raging forest fire can be seen in the background next to Semeru.
The smoke above bromo is not from the volcano, but from a forest fire that is ongoing in the bacground.Panorama view of the Tengger Caldera and the villages on the Northern side of it.The Tengger Caldera, with Semeru volcano in the background emitting av white plume.
The village in front of the Tengger Caldera is named Cemara Lowang.Bromo with the larger Segera Wedi crater behind it.Aerial of the volcanic landscape of one of the flanks of Bromo.The crater area/cone of Widodaren, with Semeru towering behind it.
Segera WediSegera Wedi, in tha background is the caldera wall of Tengger.Bromo seen from the South, crater wall of Tengger Caldera in the background.Bromo
Segera Wedi seen from the North.Looking down the Ngadisari caldera, seen from the West.Ngadisari caldera, with the village which goes with the same name, Ngadisari, in the foreground.