Published: 15th August 2019
Type of volcano: Mudvolcano
Location: Grobogan, Central-Java, Indonesia.
Bledug Banjar is located in a agricultural field. I only did a flyover with my drone, so I only got a limited impression. The area seem to be utilized for something, that I suspect is salt extraction. You can see on the photo parts of the ground appear white, I think this is salt. Equipment can also be seen next to some of the pits.
Total photos in this article: – (Available in Jpg/Raw.). (10+ photos not published)
Total videos: – (drone) (Available in 4K)
Photos and Videos published are available for purchase only. Photos below were taken by drone. Drone operator was standing outside the 500m exclusion zone. If you want to purchase photos or videos, please see this page
8th August 2019