2015 October

18-20th October

Visited Bromo again on the 18th-20th October, mainly to observe the yearly peak of the Orionid Meteor Shower. However not many large and long-living meteors was observed. Only one bright one that lasted 1-2 sec. Photo is below.

Activity of the Volcano

This was my 5th visit this year. Activity in bromo has increased in 2015, compared to 2014. Gas emissions, especially sulphur outputs have increased in 2015. A constant rumbling sound could be heard during my visit to the crater on the 19th October, caused by what seems to be, intense gas pressure.  The result of a increase of sulphur emissions can clearly be seen in the crater area (see photos from 19th October), where the sulphur emissions have colored the volcanic soil with a coat of yellow/green. A strong smell of Sulphur is often noticable as far as the village of Cemara Lowang and downwind in the villages East of the Tengger Caldera.


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Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Bromo degassing, a steady plume 50-100m in height. (18th October)
Bromo Aerial October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Aerial view of the area from over the village of Cemara Lowang (18th October)


Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Sunset (18th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
A 25% illuminated moon over the Tengger Caldera. The Batok volcanic cone can be seen in the lower-middle of the photo. (18th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Stars over the Tengger Caldera (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Sunrise. Strong winds have wipped up large amounts of volcanic sand and dust in the area, resulting in poor clarity of sight. The dry season is still in place in East-Java, and the rainy season is expected in November. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Semeru October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java eruption
Eruption plume of Semeru. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java sunrise
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Semeru October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java eruption
Another rising eruption plume from Semeru, later in the morning. The eruptions occured every +/- 30min. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Bromo late morning. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java crater
Crater of Bromo in the afternoon.  Notice the yellow coating of the soil. Sulphur emissions, in 2015, seems to have caused this. The gas emissions were high in the afternoon, and a prominent rumble sound was constantly heard, even from below the cone. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Crater Bromo Aerial October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Aerial view over the Northern part of the Bromo Crater (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
A prominent large plume of gas from Bromo in the afternoon, reaching heights of more than 200m. (19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(19th October)
Bromo October 2015 Orionids Meteorite
Meteorite entering the athmosphere over the Tengger Caldera, East Java, Indonesia, during the peak of the Orionid meteor shower. The Large Magellanic Cloud is visual to the right above the meteor strike. The lights in the foreground are vehicles that are heading to a viewpoint that is well known for its good views for enjoying the sunrise. (20th October 2015)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Satelite passing over. (20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Sandstorm (20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Wind whipps up sand and dust at the eastern flank of Bromo (20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
(20th October)
Bromo October 2015 Indonesia Volcano Volcanoes Java
Heavy winds creates a sandstorm in the afternoon(20th October)