Sekincau volcano and the Belirang and Balak caldera – South Sumatra


Sekincau volcano was constructed near the southern rim of the small NW-SE-trending double Belirang and Balak calderas, 2 and 2.5 km wide, respectively. The 300-m-wide crater of Sekincau is open to the south. The age of the latest eruptive activity is not known, although fumarolic activity occurs on the caldera floor and on the E and SE outer flanks of Balak caldera.

Source: Global Volcanism Program



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Belirang and Balak caldera (Sekincau) South Sumatra May 2024 - DJI_0079
Sekincau volcano as seen from the South.
Belirang and Balak caldera (Sekincau) South Sumatra May 2024 - DJI_0079
The double caldera🌋of Belirang and Balak caldera in South Sumatra🇮🇩, 2 and 2.5 km wide, respectively. Small fumarolic activity occurs on the caldera floor, as can be seen in the lower right corner of the photo.