Activity of the Volcano:
Observed Merapi from a distance of 7 km SW of the volcano, for a total of 6 hours during 26-27th January . Weather conditions: Foggy conditions, only a few moments of clear view of the volcano. During the time of observation many rockfall events from the SW lava dome were seen, and maybe one Pyroclastic flow. The larger rockfall events incl. the potential pyroclastic flow event created strong sounds that could be heard clearly. The direction of the majority of the rockfall (lava avalanches) from the SW lava dome was seen to be slightly more to the South than during my observations during the last months of 2023. This might be explained by changes to the morphology of the drainage below the lava dome resulting in the increased tendency of the lava avalanches and pyroclastic flows being drained in this direction.
According to Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, as of the 10th January 2024, the 2021 lava dome on the SW flank of Merapi has a volume of 2.663.000 m3, and the lava dome in the central part of the crater of Merapi 2.358.400 m3.
5 km restriction zone is currently in place for Merapi volcano, according to Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency. The volcano is as of today 27th January 2024 still on alert level III.
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26-27 January