Merapi volcano lava dome growth and rockfall events continues 12-13 November 2021

Activity of the Volcano:

Observed Merapi from a distance of 5-25 km S-SW of the volcano, for a total of +12 hours during 12-13th November. Weather conditions: 12th November: rare clear conditions until around 22:00 in the evening, when clouds started to form and prevented good observation.  13th November: Cloudy and only a few moments of clear sight to the summit.

The frequency of rockfall events from the 2021 lava dome was medium, with somewhat higher frequency than my visit in October.

The 2021 lava dome on the SW flank (as of 12th November 2021 has a volume of 1.610.000 m3 ) and the lava dome in the central part of the crater 2.927.000 m3, according to BPPTKG.

5 km restriction zone is currently in place for Merapi volcano, according to Indonesian Authorities BPPTKG, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency. The volcano is as of today 14th October l still on alert level III.


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12-13th November

Rockfall from the SW active lava dome obsverved from 25km away. Very rare with this good clarity.

Central Java Volcano Panorama view 13th November. Nice clear morning. From the left: Slamet, Sumbing, Sindoro and Gunung Prau (Dieng)