Sidoarjo Mudvolcano – 18th February 2017

Published: 22th February 2017

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Since the eruption started in May 2006, the mudflow seems to still me going strong. Nowdays it seem that the eruption of gas and mud happens in a irregular pattern of minutes of calm and minutes of erupting. During eruption of mud, medium to strong plumes of gas can be seen emerging from the crater. In the periods of calm, the plumes dissapear.

18th February 2017


Indonesia Java LUSI Sidoarjo Mudflow Lumpur Aerial 2017 Penanggungan Welirang Arjuna
Clear morning views of the steaming mudvolcano.  The Arjuna-Welirang volcano is in the far background, and in front of that is the extinct Penanggungan volcano

Indonesia Java LUSI Sidoarjo Mudflow Lumpur Aerial 2017 Penanggungan Welirang Arjuna

Indonesia Java LUSI Sidoarjo Mudflow Lumpur Aerial 2017
Crater of the mudvolcano.